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Testimonials 2 Column
Certified Trauma PractitionerSidney, BC

Mask wearing is not a 'symbol of safety', it is a constant reminder of 'threat to safety'. It is the basis of traumatic reaction and I am seeing trauma reactions in children as young as kindergarten. Aside from that, breathing in carbon dioxide sets off the fear centre in the brain the same way trauma does.

Children are Bearing the Burden of FearVancouver, BC

Children are bearing the burden of fear cultivated by public health and government. Parents are frozen by this fear and now children are being disproportionately impacted by masking that has weak evidence behind it.

Children are Losing Connection with OthersHamilton, ON

This policy is senseless. It’s changing kids. They’re losing their connection with each other and their teachers. We know now that the masks don’t prevent transmission and we’re still making everyone wear them. Which is also teaching our kids they can’t listen to their bodies and their own logic, and they must submit to arbitrary rules. This is not what we want for them.

Concerned ParentKapuskasing, ON

This has impacted my kids because they are not learning how to socialize properly by separating them in class and recess. My daughter feels like she has no friends because they aren't allowed to interact properly. I am concerned about their future health and the harms this will cause mentally and emotionally. I am also concerned for the health risk of her lungs and being able to fight off simple germs that our bodies before all this were able to fight off. It is proven that kids who are exposed to more germs and microbes have way better immune systems than a child who has been bubble wrapped. I went to school to work in the health care system and currently I am not working in my field because of the pandemic. I am here to fight for my children's rights to be able to learn how to read people's faces, to see when they are sad or mad, to see their friends smile for them, to just be able to play tag for crying out loud, and being kids without the weight of the world on their shoulders and feeling like they are alone. My kids are in a time in their lives where social interaction is crucial and I will do anything for my kids to get back to a normal life.

Testimonials 3 Column
Certified Trauma PractitionerSidney, BC

Mask wearing is not a 'symbol of safety', it is a constant reminder of 'threat to safety'. It is the basis of traumatic reaction and I am seeing trauma reactions in children as young as kindergarten. Aside from that, breathing in carbon dioxide sets off the fear centre in the brain the same way trauma does.

Children are Bearing the Burden of FearVancouver, BC

Children are bearing the burden of fear cultivated by public health and government. Parents are frozen by this fear and now children are being disproportionately impacted by masking that has weak evidence behind it.

Children are Losing Connection with OthersHamilton, ON

This policy is senseless. It’s changing kids. They’re losing their connection with each other and their teachers. We know now that the masks don’t prevent transmission and we’re still making everyone wear them. Which is also teaching our kids they can’t listen to their bodies and their own logic, and they must submit to arbitrary rules. This is not what we want for them.

Concerned ParentKapuskasing, ON

This has impacted my kids because they are not learning how to socialize properly by separating them in class and recess. My daughter feels like she has no friends because they aren't allowed to interact properly. I am concerned about their future health and the harms this will cause mentally and emotionally. I am also concerned for the health risk of her lungs and being able to fight off simple germs that our bodies before all this were able to fight off. It is proven that kids who are exposed to more germs and microbes have way better immune systems than a child who has been bubble wrapped. I went to school to work in the health care system and currently I am not working in my field because of the pandemic. I am here to fight for my children's rights to be able to learn how to read people's faces, to see when they are sad or mad, to see their friends smile for them, to just be able to play tag for crying out loud, and being kids without the weight of the world on their shoulders and feeling like they are alone. My kids are in a time in their lives where social interaction is crucial and I will do anything for my kids to get back to a normal life.

Concerned FatherAbbotsford, BC

Our 10 year old daughter is a vibrant, active, and healthy girl who suddenly started dealing with massive nose bleeds ever few days back when she was wearing a mask. We saw our doctor about it as the sheer volume of blood loss with each time was extremely excessive and without providing an explanation as to why this was suddenly happening we were told to get her nose cauterized. This is even after we mentioned that we believed there was a direct connection to wearing a masks based on the timing and it was the only variable that had changed. We disregarded the doctors suggestion and since refusing to have her wear a masks the nosebleeds have subsided but not yet stopped completely. There is zero proof that masks prevent anyone from contracting Covid and zero proof that they prevent transmission.  There is however extensive proof that wearing masks at any time, especially for long periods, is very detrimental to ones health.  Why is this still being mandated, and more concerning than that, being followed blindly by the majority of the population who believes that they are educated on the subject because they watch the news every day?

Concerned FatherRegina, SK

Ever since the start of the public health masking order, my 9 year old daughter comes home from school nearly every day with headaches. She does not enjoy going to school mainly because of having to wear her mask. She says it is hard to hear her teacher and classmates when they are talking. The biggest thing that bothers me as a parent, is that she tells me she has to wear her mask during phys-ed and even outside on the playground during recess. Imagine how hard that could be on any child, to have to try breathing rapidly from physical activity, all while filtering the amount of oxygen coming in while wearing a mask. My child is scared to even pull her mask down a bit when having a hard time breathing because she is afraid she'll get in trouble. Last I checked, breathing freely was an essential part of staying alive and healthy. Outside of school hours these kids are playing with each other at parks or at each others houses while not wearing masks and they have been completely fine. Therefore, it should make no difference for these kids to be wearing a mask all day while trying to learn. There should always be an option for these kids and parents as to wether or not they want to wear a mask.

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