
Home Testimonials

We are robbing our children of a healthy learning environment, the ability to communicate effectively, the ability to decipher non verbal cues and non verbal communication, socialization habits, interpersonal connection, confidence and so on. Not to mention the toxicity of recycling their own bacteria and toxins for hours a day inside their moist masks. Is the government going to fund the millions of dollars in therapy our children will need in the coming years as a result of this child abuse?? 

We Are Robbing Our ChildrenOttawa, ON

My daughter has been at home for a year and half, this is her last year of high school. She wants to go back to class. She wants to make memories with her friends in her last year. She wants a graduation and a prom. She has missed out so much. Please take the masks off our children.

Daughter has Missed Out so MuchOttawa, ON

My grandchildren attend school in Victoria, BC. I had a long talk with them offering to honestly share how they feel about wearing masks. It upsets them and makes them sad. Even when they are outside they have to wear them on the playground! They told me “it is hard to breathe and the masks are itchy and uncomfortable.” I am deeply concerned about the long-term physical, emotional and mental health of my precious grand children.  With all we know now about this virus let’s stop all mandates before doing more damage!

Deeply Concerned About my GrandchildrenVictoria, BC

My boys have chosen to do online learning for the past two years, specifically because of the mask mandates, and restrictions/rapid testing. One child has a mild congenital heart defect, and the other a history of asthma. I have nursing training, and know that all day masking is unhealthy and even dangerous to some children. Next year they are to start high-school, and I pray that the mandates are lifted and our children can have normal school days.

I Pray That the Mandates are LiftedBrampton, ON

My eldest who is 6 has yet to experience a normal year of school. Between strikes and then lockdowns, this is absurd. Adding to this already dysfunctional introduction to our education system, we throw on a mask. Block any sort of emotion to be seen on his face or his friends' or teachers. What once was a face with big smiles now sits a stoic and sad kid who dislikes going to his grade 1 class. Outsiders and grandparents comment on his disposition. My second child who is 4 was thankfully omitted from the mask for the first few months of school and never once refused going to school. In fact he was the first dressed and in the car ready to go. Since his return this month and mandatory masks, he is angry and anxious and refuses to go to school. Vocally expresses hate for the mask and how difficult it is to breathe and talk. I now have to accommodate for him to be home for "days off" ultimately from the masking. Great addition to the already scary and anxious environment school can be for these little ones entering the education system. I am beyond disappointed in the school curriculum and the absurd mask rules they have withheld through this entire pandemic."

Now sits a stoic and sad kidPeterborough, ON

Both of my children have not worn masks since the beginning of this. The school 'kicked' both of my children out on the 2nd day of school this year (even with exemption letters from their doctor). The school didn't even put them into online learning until after Thanksgiving. Now they have been rejected from school and isolated from their friends and are going to be impacted by this long term. Shame on those responsible. You will not be getting away with this.

My Children got Kicked out of SchoolOakville, ON