
Home Testimonials
My Child Cannot Wear a MaskPeterborough, ON

My child cannot wear a mask for longer than 20 minutes without experiencing observable fatigue, lethargy, lack of motivation, and lack of interest. This has prevented me from being able to enrol her in many of the programs she used to enjoy. She is eight years old and has not been able to access certain opportunities for over two years.

False Sense of SecurityComox, BC

Education should be about kids not making scared adults have a false sense of security in mask wearing. Kids need facial expressions for socio-emotional development. Wearing masks to reduce Covid is like wearing a maxi pad to curb diarrhea - useless!

My boy has Daily HeadachesTillsonburg, ON

I have 4 children. My boy has daily headaches and has become angry and confused with all of the rules that “don’t make sense” at school. He is 10 and has lost the ability to cope and refuses to go to school. My youngest 7 yr old has separation anxiety and fears school because it is not a welcoming place but intimidating… to not be greeted with smiles and to not be able to hug her friends… it’s heartbreaking what is being taken from our children.

Increase in Aggressive and Behavioural IssuesErin, ON

By having the children masked I have seen a decline in their learning and an increase in aggressive and behavioural issues. This is not just with my children, but other children as well.

Human Connection is Important for all AgesWellington County, ON

Masks cause numerous health issues and numerous developmental, physiological and emotional delays - among many others. Facial recognition is so important for all children but especially for young children who are learning social emotional connections and facial expressions. Human connection is important for all ages. No one should be wearing a mask, especially children. Living in fear and pushing these fears on children, masking and vaccinating them without informed consent or freedom of choice is crimes against humanity and goes against our rights and freedoms. Unmask the children. Unmask the teachers and staff. Let people make their own choices and be responsible for their own decisions.

Scared to Cough or SneezePerth, ON

Since the beginning of the pandemic, my outgoing middle child used to love going to school. Now she has developed anxiety about going back every week and forgetting a mask. She is also scared that if she needs to cough or sneeze she will be sent home.