My son is suffocating at school. It is time to pull him from school as his health is deteriorating. The school is ruining my son’s physical, social, and psychological health.
My son is suffocating at school. It is time to pull him from school as his health is deteriorating. The school is ruining my son’s physical, social, and psychological health.
My husband and I have seen our two daughters suffer for two years during these mandates. Their ability to communicate has drastically been affected, as well as their security in their environment. Our youngest has become incredibly insecure, which we feel is due to schools being open then closed suddenly, as well as teachers inappropriately discussing kids dying from Covid. This is not scientific fact and masking the children is a form of fear mongering to keep them compliant. Children are at a very low risk of a negative outcome from Covid and masks don't help reduce the risk of transmission. The World Health Organization and immunologists around the world have publicly discussed this. Our children are at greater negative risk from masking all day than from Covid. They can not see their friends social cues, understand their teachers, or even breathe properly because they are forced to wear masks all day, as well as during sports, gym and other physical activities like outdoor play/recess time. Immuno compromised kids can of course wear masks if their parents are worried about them, but there are other vulnerable children too. Many children suffer from Autism, learning difficulties, English as a second language, hearing issues and more. These children need to be considered as well, these children's parents need to weigh the cost versus benefit of masking their children themselves, not adhere to blanket social policies that have not been proven to work.
These masks are harmful and I want them off my kids. One incident happened to my eldest in October 2021, he called to come home from school due to a sudden intense headache that made him feel like throwing up. When I asked him when it started, he said during fitness testing in Phys Ed while masked.
I work in an Elementary School. We are seeing lots of respiratory illness. The masks are disgusting, filthy and I’m sure filled with all kinds of bacteria and viruses. We have the ability to allow brief mask breaks but children have to wear them in ALL classes inside the building and out at recess.
Ever since the start of the public health masking order, my 9 year old daughter comes home from school nearly every day with headaches. She does not enjoy going to school mainly because of having to wear her mask. She says it is hard to hear her teacher and classmates when they are talking. The biggest thing that bothers me as a parent, is that she tells me she has to wear her mask during phys-ed and even outside on the playground during recess. Imagine how hard that could be on any child, to have to try breathing rapidly from physical activity, all while filtering the amount of oxygen coming in while wearing a mask. My child is scared to even pull her mask down a bit when having a hard time breathing because she is afraid she'll get in trouble. Last I checked, breathing freely was an essential part of staying alive and healthy. Outside of school hours these kids are playing with each other at parks or at each others houses while not wearing masks and they have been completely fine. Therefore, it should make no difference for these kids to be wearing a mask all day while trying to learn. There should always be an option for these kids and parents as to wether or not they want to wear a mask.
Our 10 year old daughter is a vibrant, active, and healthy girl who suddenly started dealing with massive nose bleeds ever few days back when she was wearing a mask. We saw our doctor about it as the sheer volume of blood loss with each time was extremely excessive and without providing an explanation as to why this was suddenly happening we were told to get her nose cauterized. This is even after we mentioned that we believed there was a direct connection to wearing a masks based on the timing and it was the only variable that had changed. We disregarded the doctors suggestion and since refusing to have her wear a masks the nosebleeds have subsided but not yet stopped completely. There is zero proof that masks prevent anyone from contracting Covid and zero proof that they prevent transmission. There is however extensive proof that wearing masks at any time, especially for long periods, is very detrimental to ones health. Why is this still being mandated, and more concerning than that, being followed blindly by the majority of the population who believes that they are educated on the subject because they watch the news every day?